Description: This method has two variants. First variant converts all of the characters in this String to upper case using the rules of the given Locale. This is equivalent to calling toUpperCase(Locale.getDefault()). Second variant take …
Description: This method returns itself a string Syntax: Here is the syntax of this method: public String toString() Parameters: Here is the detail of parameters: NA Return Value: This method returns the string itself. Example: …
Description: This method has two variants. First variant converts all of the characters in this String to lower case using the rules of the given Locale. This is equivalent to calling toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()). Second variant take …
Description: This method converts this string to a new character array. Syntax: Here is the syntax of this method: public char toCharArray() Parameters: Here is the detail of parameters: NA Return Value: It returns a …
Description: This method has two variants and returns a new string that is a substring of this string. The substring begins with the character at the specified index and extends to the end of this …
Description: This method returns a new character sequence that is a subsequence of this sequence. Syntax: Here is the syntax of this method: public CharSequence subSequence(int beginIndex, int endIndex) Parameters: Here is the detail of …
Description: This method has two variants and tests if a string starts with the specified prefix beginning a specified index or by default at the beginning. Syntax: Here is the syntax of this method: public …