Packages in Java

A package is a group of similar types of classes, interfaces and sub-packages. Package can be categorized in two form, built-in package and user-defined package. There are many built-in packages such as java, lang, awt, …

Interfaces in Java

An interface is a collection of methods that have no implementation – they are just created, but have no functionality. An interface is a bit like a class, except you can only declare methods and …

Encapsulation in Java

This tutorial describe concept of Encapsulation. It is one of OOPs concept. Encapsulation is a way of wrapping up data and methods into a single unit. Encapsulation puts the data safe from the outside world …

Abstraction in Java

Abstraction can be defined as the process of hiding the unwanted details and exposing only the essential features of a particular object or concept. The concept of abstraction is used by classes and lists of …

Runtime Polymorphism in Java

Runtime polymorphism or dynamic method dispatch is a process in which a call to an overridden method is resolved at runtime rather than at compile-time. In this process, an overridden method is called through the …

Polymorphism in Java

The dictionary definition of polymorphism refers to a principle in biology in which an organism or species can have many different forms or stages. This principle can also be applied to object-oriented programming and languages …