Setting Up Struts 2 in Eclipse

You can proceed to setup your Struts 2 framework. Following are the simple steps to download and install Struts2 on your machine. Step 1: Make a choice whether you want to install Struts2 on Windows, …

Architecture of Struts 2 Framework

Struts and webwork has joined together to develop the Struts 2 Framework. Struts 2 Framework is very extensible and elegant for the development of enterprise web application of any size. In this section we are …

Model 1 and Model 2 (MVC) Architecture

Before developing the web applications, we need to have idea about design models. There are two types of programming models (design models) Model 1 Architecture Model 2 (MVC) Architecture Model 1 Architecture Servlet and JSP …

Introduction to Struts 2 Framework

Apache Struts 2 is an elegant, extensible framework for creating enterprise-ready Java web applications. The framework is designed to streamline the full development cycle, from building, to deploying, to maintaining applications over time. Apache Struts2 …

Introduction To MVC

Hi welcome to this MVC tutorial, here we will discuss quick introduction about MVC pattern and about different components. MVC stands for Model View Controller as it is popularly called, is a software design pattern …