Struts 2 Control Tags

In this tutorial we will discuss about the control tags in struts2. The Struts 2 tags have a set of tags that make it easy to control the flow of page execution. Following is the …

Struts 2 Exception Handling

In this chapter we will learn about the exception handling in struts2 framework. If any exception occur between the code it redirected to the dedicated page whatever you define or map into the configuration file …

Themes in Struts 2

When you use a Struts 2 tag such as s:select in your web page, the Struts 2 framework generates HTML that styles the appearance and controls the layout of the select control. The style and …

Struts2 Validation With Example

Introduction to Struts2 Validation Framework Struts Action 2 relies on a validation framework provided by XWork to enable the application of input validation rules to your Actions before they are executed. Struts2 Validation Framework allows …