JSP Implicit Objects

JSP Container makes certain JAVA Objects available on JSP. These objects are called Implicit objects.  JSP Implicit objects are created by the web container. Implicit objects need not to be declared, defined or instantiated like …

GetProperty Tag in JSP

The getProperty tag action is used to retrieve the value of a given property and converts it to a string, and finally inserts it into the output.The getProperty tag action has only two attributes, both of which …

SetProperty Tag in JSP

In this Tutorial we want to describe you a code that help in describing an example from JSP bean set property.SetProperty tag in JSP is used to set properties of the JAVA bean. General syntex …

JSP UseBean Tag – Java Server Pages

The jsp useBean action tag is used to locate or instantiate a bean class. If bean object of the Bean class is already created, it doesn’t create the bean depending on the scope. But if …

JSP Include Tag Example

JSP Include tag is used to include another resource in current JSP. Another resource can be either static or dynamic file. General syntex of JSP Include Tag look like this: Syntex: <jsp:include page="xyz" flush="true"/> Example: …

JSP Forward Vs Redirect

JSP Forward Vs Redirect: JSP Forward is faster than Redirect. Forward    Control can be forward to resources available within the server from where the call is made. This transfer of control is done by …

JSP Redirect Example

JSP Redirect: In JSP Redirect URL is changed and it is slower than JSP Forward. Page redirection is generally used when a document moves to a new location and we need to send the client …