JSP config Object

JSP config Object is implicitly available to the developer on Java Server Pages. Config object is useful in getting application configuration values to JSP from web.xml file. Config object has a scope of application. following …

exception implicit object

The exception object represents all errors and exceptions. The exception implicit object is of type java.langThrowable. You can access the exception object on a page that you declare to be an error page using the …

JSP application Object

The application implicit object is an instance of javax.servlet.ServletContext. It is the broadest context state available. It allows the JSP page’s servlet and any Web components contained in the same application to share information. A …

JSP session Object

JSP session Object is implicitly available to the developer on Java Server Pages. Session object is useful in maintaining objects and accessing it values in different JSPs. Session object has a scope of session. Session …

JSP out Object

JSP out Object is implicitly available to the developer on Java Server Pages. Out object denotes the Output stream in the context of page. The class or the interface name of the object out is …

JSP Response Object

JSP Response Object is implicitly available to the developer on Java Server Pages. This object implements javax.servlet.ServletResponse interface. It is useful object in setting response to serve the request. This object has a scope for …

JSP Request Object

JSP Request Object is implicitly available to the developer on Java Server Pages. This object implements javax.servlet.ServletRequest interface. It is useful object in getting request parameters. This object has a scope for that specific request. …