JSTL stands for JAVA Standard Tag Library. It provides basic functionality for JSP. Based on the functionality JSTL provides, tags can be classified into following categories. 1. Core Tags 2. Formatting Tags 3. Functions 4. …
The following scriptlet code adds a Refresh header that specifies a 60-second interval for refreshing the JSP. Place this code at the top of the JSP before any content appears: <% response.addHeader("Refresh","60"); %> If you …
HTTP is a “stateless” protocol which means each time a client retrieves a Web page, the client opens a separate connection to the Web server and the server automatically does not keep any record of …
You must have come across many situations when you need to pass some information from your browser to web server and ultimately to your back-end program. The browser uses two methods to pass this information …
JSP provides very useful features. One of them is maintaining the user defined variable. As you all know that in JAVA, each variable has a scope. Scope decides the accessibility of an object or variable. …
JSP pageContext Object is implicitly available to the developer on Java Server Pages. A pageContext implicit object is used for storing and retrieving page-related information and sharing objects within the same translation unit and same …
The JSP implicit page object is an instance of the java.lang.Object class. It represents the current JSP page. That is, it serves as a reference to the java servlet object that implements the JSP page …