JSTL fn:length() Function

In this tutorial you will learn about the JSTL fn length function. JSTL Length function is used to get the size of a collection or length of a String. length function, however the size() method …

JSTL fn:join() Function

JSTL Join function is used to concatenate the strings contained in an array with the specified string. “fn:join” is a string function of JSP Standard Tag Library(JSTL). This function is used to return string with …

JSTL fn:indexOf() Function

JSTL indexOf function returns the index of specified String in target String. The fn:indexOf() function returns the index within a string of a specified substring. Syntax: The fn:indexOf() function has following syntax: int indexOf(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) …

JSTL fn:escapeXml() Function

In this section we will learn how to use <fn:escapeXml> Tag of JSTL. This tag is used to escape characters that could be interpreted as XML markup. This takes string type as argument and also …

JSTL fn:endsWith() Function

In this tutorial you will learn about the JSTL fn endsWith function. JSTL endsWith Function returns true or false based on condition evaluation. To manipulate the string that ends with a specific characters or string …

JSTL fn:containsIgnoreCase() Function

JSTL containsIgnoreCase Function returns true or false based on condition evaluation. “fn:containsIgnoreCase This function is used to check if the “string” contains the specified “subtsring” no matter the case of the string and substring. The …

JSTL fn:contains() Function

JSTL Contains function is used to check whether target string contains specified string or not. contains function is used for checking whether the specified substring is contained by the string or not. Syntax : boolean …