JSTL toLowerCase Function returns String that contains all characters in lower case. The fn:toLowerCase() function converts all the characters of a string to lowercase. Syntax: The fn:toLowerCase() function has following syntax: java.lang.String toLowerCase(java.lang.String) Example: Following …
JSTL SubstringBefore function is used to get the substring of target string. This function takes 2 parameters. First parameter in JSTL SubstringBefore function is the target String from which you want to derive the substring. …
The fn:substringAfter() function returns the part of a string after a specified substring. JSTL SubstringAfter function is used to get the substring of target string. This function takes 2 parameters. First parameter in JSTL SubstringAfter …
JSTL Substring function is used to get the substring of target string. This function takes 3 parameters. First parameter in JSTL Substring function is the target String from which you want to derive the substring. …
JSTL startsWith Function returns true or false based on condition evaluation. The fn:startsWith() function determines whether an input string starts with a specified substring. Syntax: The fn:startsWith() function has following syntax: boolean startsWith(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) JST …
In this tutorial you will learn about the JSTL fn split function. JSTL split Function returns the array of String after splitting the target string with specified separator. Sometimes it is required to split the …
In this tutorial you will learn about the JSTL replace function. JSTL Replace function is used to replace the string with another string. This function replaces a string with the other string. It replaces all …