Servlets are Java classes which service HTTP requests and implement the javax.servlet.Servlet interface. Web application developers typically write servlets that extend javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet, an abstract class that implements the Servlet interface and is specially designed to …
The javax.servlet and javax.servlet.http packages represent interfaces and classes for servlet api. Let’s see what are the interfaces of javax.servlet package. Interfaces in javax.servlet package There are many interfaces in javax.servlet package. They are as …
The life cycle of a servlet is controlled by the container in which the servlet has been deployed. When a request is mapped to a servlet, the container performs the following steps. Servlet Life Cycle …
To get Java servlets up and running requires more than knowledge about Java in general or servlets in particular: one needs to know about servers, servlet containers, and XML.Like any other Java program, you need …
In this servlet tutorial we will see examples of servlet, Java Servlets is a web technology for Java. It was the first web technology for Java and many new web technologies have arrived since. Still, …
JSTL Trim function is used to remove white space from the start and end of the String. The fn:trim() function removes white space from both ends of a string. Syntax: The fn:trim() function has following …
The fn:toUpperCase() function converts all the characters of a string to uppercase. JSTL toLowerCase Function returns String that contains all characters in lower case. Syntax: The fn:toUpperCase() function has following syntax: java.lang.String toLowerCase(java.lang.String) Example: Following …