POM is short form of Project Object Model. Maven POM file in the project describe the resources of the project. This include all dependencies, directories of source code, test, plugin, goals etc. The POM file …
Maven Repository is simply directory or folder where all jars, plugins or any other projects related artifacts are available and stored for future preference. Maven searches for dependencies in the repositories. There are following three …
Maven vs Ant both are very popular open source build tools provided Apache. Both have same goal to make easy to build process, deployment process of project. Beside from this these similarities then have major …
What is Maven? Maven is essentially a project management and comprehension tool. Maven provides a way to help with managing build life cycle of project. It helps to the developers to automate the project’s build …
Maven is a software project management and powerful build tool. This is based on a POM (pom.xml–project object model) file used for projects management, dependency resolving automatically, documentation and unit test report. Actually, we could …
Here we will show you how to run a junit test in Ant build. Also show you Ant and jUnit Integration into Ant build file and generating jUnit Report using ANT build file. You can …
What is REST? This term “REST” was first defined by Roy Fielding in 2000. It stands for Representational State Transfer(REST). Actually, REST is an architectural model and design for server network applications. The most common …