After the Oracle acquisition on Sun, now the SCJP certification is known as OCPJP or Oracle Certified Professional Java Programmer Certification. The latest version of this exam is OCPJP8. The OCPJP certification is mainly for …
GOOD NEWS FOR SPRING DEVELOPER! You can now do the Spring Certification Exams, without enrolling in the course! Spring Certification without Pivotal Training Course Yes it is true, now you can take Spring certification enrolling in …
In very short Encapsulation:– Information hiding. and Abstraction:– Implementation hiding. Abstraction vs Encapsulation Abstraction and Encapsulation both are OOP concepts of any object oriented programming languages which allow us to wrap real world things into …
Checked Exception There are many exceptions in programming which occurs regularly but there are some exceptions in the program will be checked by compiler at compile time, those exceptions are called Checked Exceptions. Suppose some …
In this article, I have collected top 10 spring boot microservices interview questions and their answers frequently asked by interviewers. If you want to learn more about microservice architecture with spring boot, you could follow …
In this article, I have collected best top 20 most frequently asked spring boot interview questions and answers with explanation. You can find more detail about Spring Boot in my previous Spring Boot tutorial and …
The key difference between a traditional Spring MVC @Controller and the RESTful web service @RestController is the way the HTTP response body is created. While the traditional MVC controller relies on the View technology, the …