Behavioral design pattern deals with the communication between class objects. They are used to sense the presence of already present communication patterns and may be able to manipulate these patterns. Behavioral pattern is a design …
Null object design pattern is one of the behavioral patterns. In the null object design pattern, an object is defined, which has no value or zero value, hence, a null object. The uses of such …
The command pattern comes under behavioral patterns. In object-oriented programming, we use command pattern for mainly to decouple the object that sends a request from the object that knows how to execute it. In the …
Interpreter pattern provides a way to evaluate language grammar or expression. The term interpreter means a person who interprets the stuff in a foreign language into a language that is understandable. In the terms of …
The memento pattern comes under the behavioral patterns in object-oriented programming. In the memento pattern, the object is given the facility to restore its preceding state. The three objects include, the originator, a caretaker plus …
This article explains about the visitor pattern of the GoF Design Behavior patterns. In the visitor design pattern, the visitor class is used to alter the algorithm that is executing as part of the element …
The chain of responsibility pattern comes first under behavioral patterns in object-oriented programming. The design pattern consists of processing objects and command objects. The processing objects feature the logic that defines what type of command …