Spring Boot

Mastering Spring Boot 2.0 and Spring Cloud

Hi Guys, let’s introducing to my second title “Mastering Spring Boot 2.0” and course after the first title “Spring 5 Design Patterns“. It is being published by Packt Publishing Ltd., Livery Place, 35 Livery Street, Birmingham, B3 2PB, United Kingdom. This book designed for the developers and architects, who want to learn about advanced features of the Spring Boot 2.0 and microservices architecture. This title is very useful to build modern, cloud-native, and distributed systems using Spring Boot.

Mastering Spring Boot 2.0

Mastering Spring Boot 2.0 is for all Java developers who want to learn Spring Boot and Spring Cloud as in the enterprise-distributed cloud-based applications. Therefore, enterprise java and spring developers will find it particularly useful in the understanding of cloud-native design patterns using the microservices architecture used by Spring Boot 2.0 and Spring Cloud, how microservices architecture solves common design problems of the cloud-native infrastructure in the distributed application, and they will most fully appreciate the examples presented in this book. Before reading this book, readers should have basic knowledge of Core Java, Spring Core Framework, and Spring Boot basics. You can read another book Spring 5 Design Pattern to understand Spring Framework.

Spring Boot 2.0.2.RELEASE

Spring Boot 2.0.2.RELEASE is newly launched by the Pivotal with the reactive programming and cloud supports. Spring Boot 2.0 introduces many new features and enhancement from its previous version. The great part of today’s Spring Boot is that all companies are already taken it as a primary framework for the development of the enterprise application, especially for the REST APIs using the microservices architecture.

Course Coverage in Mastering Spring Boot 2.0

The goals of writing this book are discussing all common designs used behind the cloud-native application and how they are implemented in the Spring Cloud module of the Spring Boot 2.0. It has best some practices that must be used in the logging for the distributed design and development of the application. This book covers everything from the development of the microservices-based cloud application to the deployment of the microservices either using virtual machines or containers such as Docker.

Mastering Spring Boot 2.0 is divided into four parts as follows:

PART 1: Spring Boot, Spring CLI, and Spring Cloud

The first part introduces you to the essentials of the Spring Boot 2.0, Spring Boot CLI, and the Spring Cloud. Let’s see the following chapters, I have covered in this title in Part 1:

Getting Started with Spring Boot 2.0

I will give you an overview of Spring Boot 2.0 and all new features of the Spring Boot 2.0, including some essential key components of the Spring Boot. You’ll also get an overview of the greater the Spring Boot.

Customizing Auto-Configuration in Spring Boot Application

I will give an overview of the Spring Boot auto-configuration feature and how you can override the default auto-configuration.

Getting Started with Spring CLI and Actuator

I will show you several ways to create Spring Boot application using Spring Boot web-based interface, STS IDE, and Spring Boot CLI. In this Chapter, we will discuss Spring Boot CLI deeply and will also see how to install CLI on your machine and how to create Spring Boot application using the CLI interface. Also, you’ll see spring boot production-ready features using the Actuator.

Getting Started with Spring Cloud and Configuration

I will explore how to create a configuration server to provide a set of configuration files from a Git repository to client applications. In this chapter, the reader will also learn about spring cloud configuration service and how to build and consume the configuration service.

Spring Cloud Netflix and Service Discovery

I will explore the Spring Cloud Netflix and Service Discovery with the Eureka.

Building Spring Boot Restful Microservice

I will build a restful atomic microservice that performs CRUD operation on the in-memory database, either HSQL or H2 using Spring Cloud, Spring Data, enable the service for service discovery registration to the Eureka server.

PART 2: Inter-Service Communication

The second part steps behind the inter-service communication in the microservices architecture using Rest Template, Spring Cloud Netflix Feign. Let’s see the following chapters, I have covered in this title in Part 2:

Creating API Gateway with Netflix Zuul Proxy

I will explore the need of API gateway pattern for microservices communication either from UI components or from inter-service calls. We will implement an API gateway using the Netflix API Zuul. We will see how to set up a Zuul Proxy in your application.

Simplify HTTP API with Feign Client

I will explore what Feign is and how does it work. It gives a detailed exploration of how Feign can be extended/customized for the business needs, with a reference implementation for custom encoder, decoder, Hystrix, and exception handling with unit testing.

PART 3: Event-Driven – Resilient Systems

The third part expands on that by showing how to build an event-driven and resilient system with Spring Cloud Stream and Kafka. This part also shows you how to monitor using Hystrix and Turbine. Let’s see the following chapters, I have covered in this title in Part 3:

Building Event-Driven and Asynchronous Reactive Systems

I will provide a detailed overview of event-driven architecture to build event-driven microservices as cloud-native applications. We will look at some of the important concepts and themes behind handling data consistency in distributed systems.

Build Resilient Systems Using Hystrix and Turbine

I will explore on circuit breaker pattern with a reference implementation using Netflix Hystrix library, touching base on configuring turbine dashboard to aggregate Hystrix streams from multiple services. We will also cover some important aspects of the Turbine dashboard to aggregate the data streams from multiple services.

PART 4: Test, Build, and Manage REST APIs and Deploy Microservices

Finally, in part 4, we explain how to test, build API, and deploy to the container such as Docker and also deploy to the Cloud such as AWS. Let’s see the following chapters, I have covered in this title in Part 4:

Testing Spring Boot Application

I will explore Unit Testing Spring Boot Services using JUnit and Mockito. All our reference implementation will have unit testing done, so this chapter is more of an aggregation of different testing mechanism available for microservice.

Containerizing Microservice

I will provide an introduction to containers, dockerizing the services build in the previous chapter writing Dockerfile and orchestrating the containers using docker-compose and providing orchestration example in kubernetes.

API Management

I will explore the need for API Manager in distributed systems, setting up KONG Open source API Manager, configuring the API Endpoints built in the previous chapters in KONG API Manager, an introduction to swagger for API Standards, and finally closing with demonstrating rate limiting and logging using KONG.

Deploying in Cloud (AWS)

I will explore deploying the microservices in AWS EC2 instances manually and using cloud formation scripts. You will learn how to run a Docker-enabled Spring Boot microservice application on the Amazon EC2 Instances.

Production-Ready Service Monitoring and Best Practices

I will elaborate on some of the best practices in building distributed systems and also will elaborate on performance monitoring for production-ready services. We will introduce log aggregation using the ELK(Elasticsearch/Logstash/Kibana) stack for a distributed application.

You will find this book on the market (Amazon, Packt, and other commercial websites) after 31st May 2018. Don’t forget to review it on Amazon.

Thank you for keeping learning with us!!!

Dinesh Rajput

Dinesh Rajput is the chief editor of a website Dineshonjava, a technical blog dedicated to the Spring and Java technologies. It has a series of articles related to Java technologies. Dinesh has been a Spring enthusiast since 2008 and is a Pivotal Certified Spring Professional, an author of a book Spring 5 Design Pattern, and a blogger. He has more than 10 years of experience with different aspects of Spring and Java design and development. His core expertise lies in the latest version of Spring Framework, Spring Boot, Spring Security, creating REST APIs, Microservice Architecture, Reactive Pattern, Spring AOP, Design Patterns, Struts, Hibernate, Web Services, Spring Batch, Cassandra, MongoDB, and Web Application Design and Architecture. He is currently working as a technology manager at a leading product and web development company. He worked as a developer and tech lead at the Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd and was the first developer in his previous company, Paytm. Dinesh is passionate about the latest Java technologies and loves to write technical blogs related to it. He is a very active member of the Java and Spring community on different forums. When it comes to the Spring Framework and Java, Dinesh tops the list!

Published by
Dinesh Rajput

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