In this tutorial we will give basic description about the cloud infrastructure components. Cloud infrastructure contains of servers, storage, network, management software, and deployment software and platform virtualization.
Cloud uses distributed file system for storage purpose. If one of the storage resource fails, then it can be extracted from another one which makes cloud computing more reliable.
Network is the key component of cloud infrastructure. It allows to connect cloud services over the Internet. It is also possible to deliver network as a utility over the Internet, i.e., the consumer can customize the network route and protocol.
Server helps to compute the resource sharing and offer other services such as resource allocation and deallocation, monitoring resources, security, etc.
Hypervisor is a firmware or low-level program that acts as a Virtual Machine Manager. It allows to share the single physical instance of cloud resources between several tenants.
Management Software helps to maintain and configure the infrastructure.
Deployment software helps to deploy and integrate the application on the cloud.
Constraints for Infrastructure
The mega data center in the cloud should be securely architectured. Also the control node, a entry point in mega data center also needs to be secure.
To achieve transparency and scalability, application solution delivery will need to be capable of intelligent monitoring.
Since virtualization is the key to share resources in cloud environment. But it is not possible to satisfy the demand with single resource or server. Therefore, there must be transparency in resources, load balancing and application, so that we can scale them on demand.
Scaling up an application delivery solution is not that easy as scaling up an application because it involves configuration overhead or even re-architecting the network. So, application delivery solution is need to be scalable which will require the virtual infrastructure such that resource can be provisioned and de-provisioned easily.