Business Object Pattern – Core J2EE Patterns

Object-oriented programming makes use of the business object. It represents the parts of a business.  A Business Object is able to represent things like event, person, business process, place, and concept. The business object can exist in certain forms like a product, an invoice, and the details of a particular part of a transaction. The classes tend to contain management of executing behaviors within them. It is one of the J2EE Design Patterns.

Business Object Pattern

A business object is responsible for holding a multiple numbers of instance properties or variables. The business object is also responsible for invoking requests for client data to the Data Access Object (DAO). It receives the data from the Transfer object (TO).

Spring 5 Design Pattern Book

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The business object also, breaks down the process of business in to a modular forms. It also, separates every function in to corresponding software object. This allows the designer to work and tackle the software more manageable while designing or developing it. It requires a program to incorporate classes that generally results in executing or managing the behaviors. Anemic domain model is a specific domain model in which business objects have no certain behaviors. In a multi-tiered system, that communicates business objects across the tiers. This is why they are able to separate state from behavior. The actual work of the app is basically, done in the business layer and it is unable to revolve across the layers. It working pattern can be explained by some easy to understand examples.

UML Class Diagram

Let’s see the following UML class diagram for the Business Object pattern.

Business Object

For Example

For instance, consider a sample business object, Manager, the attributes in it will be First Name, Second Name, Age, Location, and Country. But, this business object is able to hold a 1-n association with the employees. Like containing a whole set of instances of employee.

The second example is of a concept of Process which can have attributes such as, Identifier, Full Name, beginning date, closing date and type. This business object will hold a relationship with the Employee.
