dinesh Archive

Hadoop Installation Tutorial (Hadoop 1.x)

Software Required- Setup Virtual Machine Step1. >goto traffictool.net->goto ubuntu(Ubuntu1404)->download it->extract it Step2. Suppose your directory after extract it “D:personal datahadoopUbuntu1404” Step3. >goto google->search VMWARE PLAYER->goto result select DESKTOP & END USER->download it->install it Step4. After …

Enabling Password less ssh login

Enabling Linux Automatic Password-less SSH Login Automatic passwrod-less ssh login can make our life easier. To enable this, we need to copy our SSH public keys to the remote machines for automatic password-less login. We …

JobTracker and TaskTracker Design

JobTracker and TaskTracker are coming into picture when we required processing to data set. In hadoop system there are five services always running in background (called hadoop daemon services). Daemon Services of Hadoop- Namenodes Secondary …

HDFS Architecture

Hi in this hadoop tutorial we will describing now HDFS Architecture. There are following are two main components of HDFS. Main Components of HDFS- NameNodes master of the system maintain and manage the blocks which …

What is HDFS?

What is HDFS? HDFS is a file system designed for storing very large files with streaming data access patterns, running on clusters on commodity hardware. Highly fault-tolerant  “Hardware failure is the norm rather than the …

Hadoop Architecture

Here we will describe about Hadoop Architecture. In high level of hadoop architecture there are two main modules HDFS and MapReduce.Means HDFS + MapReduce = Hadoop Framework Following pic have high level architecture of hadoop …

What is Hadoop?

What is Hadoop? first of all we are understanding what is DFS(Distributed File System), Why DFS? DFS(Distributed File Systems)- A distributed file system is a client/server-based application that allows clients to access and process data …