Saving Objects using Hibernate APIs

Introduction to Hibernate An ORM tool. Used in the data layer of application. Implement JPA. JPA (Java persistence api):- this…

10 years ago

Introduction to MapReduce

In this hadoop tutorial we will introduce map reduce, what is map reduce. Before map reduce how to analyze the…

10 years ago

Hadoop Confiuration

Hadoop Configuration  I have to do in the following layers. HDFS Layer NameNode-Master DataNode-Store Data(Actual Storage) MapReduce Layer JobTracker TaskTracker…

10 years ago

Hadoop Installation Tutorial (Hadoop 2.x)

This chapter explains how to set up Hadoop to run on a cluster of machines. Running HDFS and MapReduce on…

10 years ago

Hadoop Installation Tutorial (Hadoop 1.x)

Software Required- Setup Virtual Machine Step1. >goto>goto ubuntu(Ubuntu1404)->download it->extract it Step2. Suppose your directory after extract it "D:personal datahadoopUbuntu1404"…

10 years ago

Enabling Password less ssh login

Enabling Linux Automatic Password-less SSH Login Automatic passwrod-less ssh login can make our life easier. To enable this, we need…

10 years ago

JobTracker and TaskTracker Design

JobTracker and TaskTracker are coming into picture when we required processing to data set. In hadoop system there are five…

10 years ago